Thursday, 3 May 2018

North Photo Rides Issue 13

Issue 13 Cover by Sofia Tsagaraki

Welcome every body to our North Photo Rides Magazine. 

As You already know, our magazine is made from all the material we gather during our rides but also crazy stuff and unlimited creativity by our graphics design department (yes we do have such a thing) and crazy ideas by the Boss.

To define crazy ideas, take a look at older issues where you will find a Shaman Enduro photo session, a Horse ride on Enduro gear and other crazy stuff we come up with to impress you, our audience. 

"Do not hesitate to contact Thanasis 
if you have any crazy ideas
that you would like help to accomplish"

Walking through the magazine, you will notice that not much needed to be done with the pictures from the rides, since, usually the landscape provides the beauty and Adobe Lightroom the enhancements. 

If you have been in our rids, you know this spot, if you are still thinking about it, this is what we call the "Oregon Canyon" in Kavala. The viewable villages across, are of great historical significancy as all three, hosted refugees from old wars, that were also victims of the Greek civil and WwII, adding another sad stone of history painted with blood on that ground. Enough said on this sad matter, the route  that leads here can be demanding or touristic, so all levels have the privilege of a nice shot with the view to the canyon.

Oh my god skies from the another historical mountain, that of "Pangaio" where our ancient fathers, Alexander the Great and King Philip where digging caves and achieved great supplies of silver, iron and gold, to support their empire economy. Word is, that "Xerxes" moving back after his lost the war he started, defeated and in stress, buried most of his treasures somewhere on the same mountain, not able to cary it safe back to his lands. (That explains the hundreds of holes you see on the mountains by gold diggers) 
To ride on that land is a fantastic experience.

An architectural sight of what we call "the bow bridges" is often viewed in our rides. A controversial sight, making you wonder how, with the tools of the time (1200-1300ac) they managed to handle the rocks with such a delicate and smart way, to create a bridge or many bridges that people today find demanding to make. Those bridges are still standing, after millions of kilos passed above them with great pride and today they become a sight of wonder for our territory. 

The city of Kavala from "Stavros" viewing point. Some say, the big cross above the city was established when Bulgarians left the city and the war was over, some others believe that when the Turkish occupation of Greece ended, people installed a cross that later was bigger and more modern up there to remind us the day. In any case, that point above the city is the best place to admire it on a sunny day. Thassos Island, Samothraki Island, The Holy Mountain "Athos" and Pangaio mountain are clearly viewable on a sunny day from that spot.

Every time we see a tree like that, our head guide Andreas, needs to trim it with some bikes and get the adequate photos. I am always impressed on the way he balances the bikes, and the technique that he is driving them up there. Impressive shot no doubt.

Kavala had a Ski resort. Yes its true, in its glorious days, the city was able to support and preserve a ski resort on the top of Pangaio mountain. Its remains are a sad sight these days. Make you thing of the potentials of the place, being ran by the stupidity of the politics always on dead ends and beaurocratic procedures that never end. Nothing we can do about it unfortunately, years now.
"The glory of the past covered in rust, 
defeated by narrowness of minds"
Land marks and trails that never end. Issue 13 has 38 pages that if you belong in them, you can only understand what they are about. Words to describe the feeling of the rides are not enough and certainly not able to deliver the feeling. 

A nice video presentation of the magazine lies below. 

I will try to be a more frequent blogger these days, despite the lack of time, this form of communication with our friends gives me great pleasure. 

Thank you once more for your time


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About Us

North Star is the first Enduro Touring company that operates in Greece. Our philosophy is based on one thing: "We do it because we love Enduro Riding". We organise enduro tours, providing all necessary.

